Business logic security testing (2009)

Business logic security testing (2009)

Testing ExperienceThis article appeared in the June 2009 edition of Testing Experience magazine and the October 2009 edition of Security Acts magazine.Security Acts magazine

If you choose to read the article please bear in mind that it was written in January 2009 and is therefore inevitably dated in some respects. In particular, ISACA has restructured COBIT, but it remains a useful source. Overall I think the arguments I made in this article are still valid.

The references in the article were all structured for a paper magazine. They were not set up as hyperlinks and I have not tried to recreate them and check out whether they still logic security testing article

The article

When I started in IT in the 80s the company for which I worked had a closed network restricted to about 100 company locations with no external connections.

Security was divided neatly into physical security, concerned with the protection of the physical assets, and logical security, concerned with the protection of data and applications from abuse or loss.

When applications were built the focus of security was on internal application security. The arrangements for physical security were a given, and didn’t affect individual applications.

There were no outsiders to worry about who might gain access, and so long as the common access controls software was working there was no need for analysts or designers to worry about unauthorized internal access.

Security for the developers was therefore a matter of ensuring that the application reflected the rules of the business; rules such as segregation of responsibilities, appropriate authorization levels, dual authorization of high value payments, reconciliation of financial data.

The world quickly changed and relatively simple, private networks isolated from the rest of the world gave way to more open networks with multiple external connections and to web applications.

Security consequently acquired much greater focus. However, it began to seem increasingly detached from the work of developers. Security management and testing became specialisms in their own right, and not just an aspect of technical management and support.

We developers and testers continued to build our applications, comforted by the thought that the technical security experts were ensuring that the network perimeter was of business logic security article header

Nominally security testing was a part of non-functional testing. In reality, it had become somewhat detached from conventional testing.

According to the glossary of the British Computer Society’s Special Interest Group in Software Testing (BCS SIGIST) [1], security testing is determining whether the application meets the specified security requirements.

SIGIST also says that security entails the preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. Availability means ensuring that authorized users have access to information and associated assets when required. Integrity means safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information and processing methods. Confidentiality means ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access.

Penetration testing, and testing the security of the network and infrastructure, are all obviously important, but if you look at security in the round, bearing in mind wider definitions of security (such as SIGIST’s), then these activities can’t be the whole of security testing.

Some security testing has to consist of routine functional testing that is purely a matter of how the internals of the application work. Security testing that is considered and managed as an exercise external to the development, an exercise that follows the main testing, is necessarily limited. It cannot detect defects that are within the application rather than on the boundary.

Within the application, insecure design features or insecure coding might be detected without any deep understanding of the application’s business role. However, like any class of requirements, security requirements will vary from one application to another, depending on the job the application has to do.

If there are control failures that reflect poorly applied or misunderstood business logic, or business rules, then will we as functional testers detect that? Testers test at the boundaries. Usually we think in terms of boundary values for the data, the boundary of the application or the network boundary with the outside world.

Do we pay enough attention to the boundary of what is permissible user behavior? Do we worry enough about abuse by authorized users, employees or outsiders who have passed legitimately through the network and attempt to subvert the application, using it in ways never envisaged by the developers?

I suspect that we do not, and this must be a matter for concern. A Gartner report of 2005 [2] claimed that 75% of attacks are at the application level, not the network level. The types of threats listed in the report all arise from technical vulnerabilities, such as command injection and buffer overflows.

Such application layer vulnerabilities are obviously serious, and must be addressed. However, I suspect too much attention has been given to them at the expense of vulnerabilities arising from failure to implement business logic correctly.

This is my main concern in this article. Such failures can offer great scope for abuse and fraud. Security testing has to be about both the technology and the business.

Problem of fraud and insider abuse

It is difficult to come up with reliable figures about fraud because of its very nature. According to PriceWaterhouseCoopers in 2007 [3] the average loss to fraud by companies worldwide over the two years from 2005 was $2.4 million (their survey being biased towards larger companies). This is based on reported fraud, and PWC increased the figure to $3.2 million to allow for unreported frauds.

In addition to the direct costs there were average indirect costs in the form of management time of $550,000 and substantial unquantifiable costs in terms of damage to the brand, staff morale, reduced share prices and problems with regulators.

PWC stated that 76% of their respondents reported the involvement of an outside party, implying that 24% were purely internal. However, when companies were asked for details on one or two frauds, half of the perpetrators were internal and half external.

It would be interesting to know the relative proportions of frauds (by number and value) which exploited internal applications and customer facing web applications but I have not seen any statistics for these.

The U.S. Secret Service and CERT Coordination Center have produced an interesting series of reports on “illicit cyber activity”. In their 2004 report on crimes in the US banking and finance sector [4] they reported that in 70% of the cases the insiders had exploited weaknesses in applications, processes or procedures (such as authorized overrides). 78% of the time the perpetrators were authorized users with active accounts, and in 43% of cases they were using their own account and password.

The enduring problem with fraud statistics is that many frauds are not reported, and many more are not even detected. A successful fraud may run for many years without being detected, and may never be detected. A shrewd fraudster will not steal enough money in one go to draw attention to the loss.

I worked on the investigation of an internal fraud at a UK insurance company that had lasted 8 years, as far back as we were able to analyze the data and produce evidence for the police. The perpetrator had raised 555 fraudulent payments, all for less than £5,000 and had stolen £1.1 million pounds by the time that we received an anonymous tip off.

The control weaknesses related to an abuse of the authorization process, and a failure of the application to deal appropriately with third party claims payments, which were extremely vulnerable to fraud. These weaknesses would have been present in the original manual process, but the users and developers had not taken the opportunities that a new computer application had offered to introduce more sophisticated controls.

No-one had been negligent or even careless in the design of the application and the surrounding procedures. The trouble was that the requirements had focused on the positive functions of the application, and on replicating the functionality of the previous application, which in turn had been based on the original manual process. There had not been sufficient analysis of how the application could be exploited.

Problem of requirements and negative requirements

Earlier I was careful to talk about failure to implement business logic correctly, rather than implementing requirements. Business logic and requirements will not necessarily be the same.

The requirements are usually written as “the application must do” rather than “the application must not…”. Sometimes the “must not” is obvious to the business. It “goes without saying” – that dangerous phrase!

However, the developers often lack the deep understanding of business logic that users have, and they design and code only the “must do”, not even being aware of the implicit corollary, the “must not”.

As a computer auditor I reviewed a sales application which had a control to ensure that debts couldn’t be written off without review by a manager. At the end of each day a report was run to highlight debts that had been cleared without a payment being received. Any discrepancies were highlighted for management action.

I noticed that it was possible to overwrite the default of today’s date when clearing a debt. Inserting a date in the past meant that the money I’d written off wouldn’t appear on any control report. The report for that date had been run already.

When I mentioned this to the users and the teams who built and tested the application the initial reaction was “but you’re not supposed to do that”, and then they all tried blaming each other. There was a prolonged discussion about the nature of requirements.

The developers were adamant that they’d done nothing wrong because they’d built the application exactly as specified, and the users were responsible for the requirements.

The testers said they’d tested according to the requirements, and it wasn’t their fault.

The users were infuriated at the suggestion that they should have to specify every last little thing that should be obvious – obvious to them anyway.

The reason I was looking at the application, and looking for that particular problem, was because we knew that a close commercial rival had suffered a large fraud when a customer we had in common had bribed an employee of our rival to manipulate the sales control application. As it happened there was no evidence that the same had happened to us, but clearly we were vulnerable.

Testers should be aware of missing or unspoken requirements, implicit assumptions that have to be challenged and tested. Such assumptions and requirements are a particular problem with security requirements, which is why the simple SIGIST definition of security testing I gave above isn’t sufficient – security testing cannot be only about testing the formal security requirements.

However, testers, like developers, are working to tight schedules and budgets. We’re always up against the clock. Often there is barely enough time to carry out all the positive testing that is required, never mind thinking through all the negative testing that would be required to prove that missing or unspoken negative requirements have been met.

Fraudsters, on the other hand, have almost unlimited time to get to know the application and see where the weaknesses are. Dishonest users also have the motivation to work out the weaknesses. Even people who are usually honest can be tempted when they realize that there is scope for fraud.

If we don’t have enough time to do adequate negative testing to see what weaknesses could be exploited than at least we should be doing a quick informal evaluation of the financial sensitivity of the application and alerting management, and the internal computer auditors, that there is an element of unquantifiable risk. How comfortable are they with that?

If we can persuade project managers and users that we need enough time to test properly, then what can we do?

CobiT and OWASP

If there is time, there are various techniques that testers can adopt to try and detect potential weaknesses or which we can encourage the developers and users to follow to prevent such weaknesses.

I’d like to concentrate on the CobiT (Control Objectives for Information and related Technology) guidelines for developing and testing secure applications (CobiT 4.1 2007 [5]), and the CobiT IT Assurance Guide [6], and the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Testing Guide [7].

Together, CobiT and OWASP cover the whole range of security testing. They can be used together, CobiT being more concerned with what applications do, and OWASP with how applications work.

They both give useful advice about the internal application controls and functionality that developers and users can follow. They can also be used to provide testers with guidance about test conditions. If the developers and users know that the testers will be consulting these guides then they have an incentive to ensure that the requirements and build reflect this advice.

CobiT implicitly assumes a traditional, big up-front design, Waterfall approach. Nevertheless, it’s still potentially useful for Agile practitioners, and it is possible to map from CobiT to Agile techniques, see Gupta [8].

The two most relevant parts are in the CobiT IT Assurance Guide [6]. This is organized into domains, the most directly relevant being “Acquire and Implement” the solution. This is really for auditors, guiding them through a traditional development, explaining the controls and checks they should be looking for at each stage.

It’s interesting as a source of ideas, and as an alternative way of looking at the development, but unless your organization has mandated the developers to follow CobiT there’s no point trying to graft this onto your project.

Of much greater interest are the six CobiT application controls. Whereas the domains are functionally separate and sequential activities, a life-cycle in effect, the application controls are statements of intent that apply to the business area and the application itself. They can be used at any stage of the development. They are;

AC1 Source Data Preparation and Authorization

AC2 Source Data Collection and Entry

AC3 Accuracy, Completeness and Authenticity Checks

AC4 Processing Integrity and Validity

AC5 Output Review, Reconciliation and Error Handling

AC6 Transaction Authentication and Integrity

Each of these controls has stated objectives, and tests that can be made against the requirements, the proposed design and then on the built application. Clearly these are generic statements potentially applicable to any application, but they can serve as a valuable prompt to testers who are willing to adapt them to their own application. They are also a useful introduction for testers to the wider field of business controls.

CobiT rather skates over the question of how the business requirements are defined, but these application controls can serve as a useful basis for validating the requirements.

Unfortunately the CobiT IT Assurance Guide can be downloaded for free only by members of ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association) and costs $165 for non-members to buy. Try your friendly neighborhood Internal Audit department! If they don’t have a copy, well maybe they should.

If you are looking for a more constructive and proactive approach to the requirements then I recommend the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Testing Guide [7]. This is an excellent, accessible document covering the whole range of application security, both technical vulnerabilities and business logic flaws.

It offers good, practical guidance to testers. It also offers a testing framework that is basic, and all the better for that, being simple and practical.

The OWASP testing framework demands early involvement of the testers, and runs from before the start of the project to reviews and testing of live applications.

Phase 1: Before Deployment begins

1A: Review policies and standards

1B: Develop measurement and metrics criteria (ensure traceability)

Phase 2: During definition and design

2A: Review security requirements

2B: Review design and architecture

2C: Create and review UML models

2D: Create and review threat models

Phase 3: During development

3A: Code walkthroughs

3B: Code reviews

Phase 4: During development

4A: Application penetration testing

4B: Configuration management testing

Phase 5: Maintenance and operations

5A: Conduct operational management reviews

5B: Conduct periodic health checks

5C: Ensure change verification

OWASP suggests four test techniques for security testing; manual inspections and reviews, code reviews, threat modeling and penetration testing. The manual inspections are reviews of design, processes, policies, documentation and even interviewing people; everything except the source code, which is covered by the code reviews.

A feature of OWASP I find particularly interesting is its fairly explicit admission that the security requirements may be missing or inadequate. This is unquestionably a realistic approach, but usually testing models blithely assume that the requirements need tweaking at most.

The response of OWASP is to carry out what looks rather like reverse engineering of the design into the requirements. After the design has been completed testers should perform UML modeling to derive use cases that “describe how the application works.

In some cases, these may already be available”. Obviously in many cases these will not be available, but the clear implication is that even if they are available they are unlikely to offer enough information to carry out threat modeling.OWASP threat modelling UML
The feature most likely to be missing is the misuse case. These are the dark side of use cases! As envisaged by OWASP the misuse cases shadow the use cases, threatening them, then being mitigated by subsequent use cases.

The OWASP framework is not designed to be a checklist, to be followed blindly. The important point about using UML is that it permits the tester to decompose and understand the proposed application to the level of detail required for threat modeling, but also with the perspective that threat modeling requires; i.e. what can go wrong? what must we prevent? what could the bad guys get up to?

UML is simply a means to that end, and was probably chosen largely because that is what most developers are likely to be familiar with, and therefore UML diagrams are more likely to be available than other forms of documentation. There was certainly some debate in the OWASP community about what the best means of decomposition might be.

Personally, I have found IDEF0 a valuable means of decomposing applications while working as a computer auditor. Full details of this technique can be found at [9].

It entails decomposing an application using a hierarchical series of diagrams, each of which has between three and six functions. Each function has inputs, which are transformed into outputs, depending on controls and mechanisms.IDEF0
Is IDEF0 as rigorous and effective as UML? No, I wouldn’t argue that. When using IDEF0 we did not define the application in anything like the detail that UML would entail. Its value was in allowing us to develop a quick understanding of the crucial functions and issues, and then ask pertinent questions.

Given that certain inputs must be transformed into certain outputs, what are the controls and mechanisms required to ensure that the right outputs are produced?

In working out what the controls were, or ought to be, we’d run through the mantra that the output had to be accurate, complete, authorized, and timely. “Accurate” and “complete” are obvious. “Authorized” meant that the output must have been created or approved by people with the appropriate level of authority. “Timely” meant that the output must not only arrive in the right place, but at the right time. One could also use the six CobiT application controls as prompts.

In the example I gave above of the debt being written off I had worked down to the level of detail of “write off a debt” and looked at the controls required to produce the right output, “cancelled debts”. I focused on “authorized”, “complete” and “timely”.

Any sales operator could cancel a debt, but that raised the item for management review. That was fine. The problem was with “complete” and “timely”. All write-offs had to be collected for the control report, which was run daily. Was it possible to ensure some write-offs would not appear? Was it possible to over-key the default of the current date? It was possible. If I did so, would the write-off appear on another report? No. The control failure therefore meant that the control report could be easily bypassed.

The testing that I was carrying out had nothing to do with the original requirements. They were of interest, but not really relevant to what I was trying to do. I was trying to think like a dishonest employee, looking for a weakness I could exploit.

The decomposition of the application is the essential first step of threat modeling. Following that, one should analyze the assets for importance, explore possible vulnerabilities and threats, and create mitigation strategies.

I don’t want to discuss these in depth. There is plenty of material about threat modeling available. OWASP offers good guidance, [10] and [11]. Microsoft provides some useful advice [12], but its focus is on technical security, whereas OWASP looks at the business logic too. The OWASP testing guide [7] has a section devoted to business logic that serves as a useful introduction.

OWASP’s inclusion of mitigation strategies in the version of threat modeling that it advocates for testers is interesting. This is not normally a tester’s responsibility. However, considering such strategies is a useful way of planning the testing. What controls or protections should we be testing for? I think it also implicitly acknowledges that the requirements and design may well be flawed, and that threat modeling might not have been carried out in circumstances where it really should have been.

This perception is reinforced by OWASP’s advice that testers should ensure that threat models are created as early as possible in the project, and should then be revisited as the application evolves.

What I think is particularly valuable about the application control advice in CobIT and OWASP is that they help us to focus on security as an attribute that can, and must, be built into applications. Security testing then becomes a normal part of functional testing, as well as a specialist technical exercise. Testers must not regard security as an audit concern, with the testing being carried out by quasi-auditors, external to the development.

Getting the auditors on our side

I’ve had a fairly unusual career in that I’ve spent several years in each of software development, IT audit, IT security management, project management and test management. I think that gives me a good understanding of each of these roles, and a sympathetic understanding of the problems and pressures associated with them. It’s also taught me how they can work together constructively.

In most cases this is obvious, but the odd one out is the IT auditor. They have the reputation of being the hard-nosed suits from head office who come in to bayonet the wounded after a disaster! If that is what they do then they are being unprofessional and irresponsible. Good auditors should be pro-active and constructive. They will be happy to work with developers, users and testers to help them anticipate and prevent problems.

Auditors will not do your job for you, and they will rarely be able to give you all the answers. They usually have to spread themselves thinly across an organization, inevitably concentrating on the areas with problems and which pose the greatest risk.

They should not be dictating the controls, but good auditors can provide useful advice. They can act as a valuable sounding board, for bouncing ideas off. They can also be used as reinforcements if the testers are coming under irresponsible pressure to restrict the scope of security testing. Good auditors should be the friend of testers, not our enemy. At least you may be able to get access to some useful, but expensive, CobiT material.

Auditors can give you a different perspective and help you ask the right questions, and being able to ask the right questions is much more important than any particular tool or method for testers.

This article tells you something about CobiT and OWASP, and about possible new techniques for approaching testing of security. However, I think the most important lesson is that security testing cannot be a completely separate specialism, and that security testing must also include the exploration of the application’s functionality in a skeptical and inquisitive manner, asking the right questions.

Validating the security requirements is important, but so is exposing the unspoken requirements and disproving the invalid assumptions. It is about letting management see what the true state of the application is – just like the rest of testing.


[1] British Computer Society’s Special Interest Group in Software Testing (BCS SIGIST) Glossary.

[2] Gartner Inc. “Now Is the Time for Security at the Application Level” (NB PDF download), 2005.

[3] PriceWaterhouseCoopers. “Economic crime- people, culture and controls. The 4th biennial Global Economic Crime Survey”.

[4] US Secret Service. “Insider Threat Study: Illicit Cyber Activity in the Banking and Finance Sector”.

[5] IT Governance Institute. CobiT 4.1, 2007.

[6] IT Governance Institute. CobiT IT Assurance Guide (not free), 2007.

[7] Open Web Application Security Project. OWASP Testing Guide, V3.0, 2008.

[8] Gupta, S. “SOX Compliant Agile Processes”, Agile Alliance Conference, Agile 2008.

[9] IDEF0 Function Modeling Method.

[10] Open Web Application Security Project. OWASP Threat Modeling, 2007.

[11] Open Web Application Security Project. OWASP Code Review Guide “Application Threat Modeling”, 2009.

[12] Microsoft. “Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures”, 2003.

Do standards keep testers in the kindergarten? (2009)

Do standards keep testers in the kindergarten? (2009)

Testing ExperienceThis article appeared in the December 2009 edition of Testing Experience magazine, which is no longer published. I’m moving the article onto my blog from my website, which will be decommissioned soon.

Normally when I re-post old articles I provide a warning about them being dated. This one was written in November 2009 but I think that its arguments are still valid. It is only dated in the sense that it doesn’t mention ISO 29119, the current ISO software testing standard, which was released in 2013. This article shows why I was dismayed when ISO 29119 arrived on the scene. I thought that prescriptive testing standards, such as IEEE 829, had had their day. They had failed and we had moved on.

The references in the article were all structured for a paper magazine. There are no hyperlinks and I have not tried to recreate them and check out whether they still work.

The article

Discussion of standards usually starts from the premise that they are intrinsically a good thing, and the debate then moves on to consider what form they should take and how detailed they should be.

Too often sceptics are marginalised. The presumption is that standards are good and beneficial. Those who are opposed to them appear suspect, even unprofessional.

I believe that although the content of standards for software development and testing can be valuable, especially within individual organisations, I do not believe that they should be regarded as generic “standards” for the whole profession. Turning useful guidelines into standards suggests that they should be mandatory.

My particular concern is that the IEEE 829 “Standard for Software and System Test Documentation”, and the many document templates derived from it, encourage a safety first approach to documentation, with testers documenting plans and scripts in slavish detail.

They do so not because the project genuinely requires it, but because they have been encouraged to equate documentation with quality, and they fear that they will look unprofessional and irresponsible in a subsequent review or audit. I think these fears are ungrounded and I will explain why.

A sensible debate about the value of standards must start with a look at what standards are, and the benefits that they bring in general, and specifically to testing.

Often discussion becomes confused because justification for applying standards in one context is transferred to a quite different context without any acknowledgement that the standards and the justification may no longer be relevant in the new context.

Standards can be internal to a particular organisation or they can be external standards attempting to introduce consistency across an industry, country or throughout the world.

I’m not going to discuss legal requirements enforcing minimum standards of safety, such as Health and Safety legislation, or the requirements of the US Food & Drug Administration. That’s the the law, and it’s not negotiable.

The justification for technical and product standards is clear. Technical standards introduce consistency, common protocols and terminology. They allow people, services and technology to be connected. Product standards protect consumers and make it easier for them to distinguish cheap, poor quality goods from more expensive but better quality competition.

Standards therefore bring information and mobility to the market and thus have huge economic benefits.

It is difficult to see where standards for software development or testing fit into this. To a limited extent they are technical standards, but only so far as they define the terminology, and that is a somewhat incidental role.

They appear superficially similar to product standards, but software development is not a manufacturing process, and buyers of applications are not in the same position as consumers choosing between rival, inter-changeable products.

Are software development standards more like the standards issued by professional bodies? Again, there’s a superficial resemblance. However, standards such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (Generally Accepted Accounting Practice in the UK) are backed up by company law and have a force no-one could dream of applying to software development.

Similarly, standards of professional practice and competence in the professions are strictly enforced and failure to meet these standards is punished.

Where does that leave software development standards? I do believe that they are valuable, but not as standards.

Susan Land gave a good definition and justification for standards in the context of software engineering in her book “Jumpstart CMM-CMMI Software Process Improvements – using IEEE software engineering standards”. [1]

“Standards are consensus-based documents that codify best practice. Consensus-based standards have seven essential attributes that aid in process engineering. They;

  1. Represent the collected experience of others who have been down the same road.
  2. Tell in detail what it means to perform a certain activity.
  3. Help to assure that two parties attach the same meaning to an engineering activity.
  4. Can be attached to or referenced by contracts.
  5. Improve the product.
  6. Protect the business and the buyer.
  7. Increase professional discipline.” (List sequence re-ordered from original).

The first four justifications are for standards in a descriptive form, to aid communication. Standards of this type would have a broader remit than the technical standards I referred to, and they would be guidelines rather than prescriptive. These justifications are not controversial, although the fourth has interesting implications that I will return to later.

The last three justifications hint at compulsion. These are valid justifications, but they are for standards in a prescriptive form and I believe that these justifications should be heavily qualified in the context of testing.

I believe that where testing standards have value they should be advisory, and that the word “standard” is unhelpful. “Standards” implies that they should be mandatory, or that they should at least be considered a level of best practice to which all practitioners should aspire.

Is the idea of “best practice” useful?

I don’t believe that software development standards, specifically the IEEE series, should be mandatory, or that they can be considered best practice. Their value is as guidelines, which would be a far more accurate and constructive term for them.

I do believe that there is a role for mandatory standards in software development. The time-wasting shambles that is created if people don’t follow file naming conventions is just one example. Secure coding standards that tell programmers about security flaws that they must not introduce into their programs are also a good example of standards that should be mandatory.

However, these are local, site-specific standards. They are about consistency, security and good housekeeping, rather than attempting to define an over-arching vision of “best practice”.

Testing standards should be treated as guidelines, practices that experienced practitioners would regard as generally sound and which should be understood and regarded as the default approach by inexperienced staff.

Making these practices mandatory “standards”, as if they were akin to technical or product standards and the best approach in any situation, will never ensure that experienced staff do a better job, and will often ensure they do a worse job than if they’d been allowed to use their own judgement.

Testing consultant Ben Simo, has clear views on the notion of best practice. He told me;

“‘Best’ only has meaning in context. And even in a narrow context, what we think is best now may not really be the best.

In practice, ‘best practice’ often seems to be either something that once worked somewhere else, or a technical process required to make a computer system do a task. I like for words to mean something. If it isn’t really best, let’s not call it best.

In my experience, things called best practices are falsifiable as not being best, or even good, in common contexts. I like guidelines that help people do their work. The word ‘guideline’ doesn’t imply a command. Guidelines can help set some parameters around what and how to do work and still give the worker the freedom to deviate from the guidelines when it makes sense.”

Rather than tie people’s hands and minds with standards and best practices, I like to use guidelines that help people think and communicate lessons learned – allowing the more experienced to share some of their wisdom with the novices.”

Such views cannot be dismissed as the musings of maverick testers who can’t abide the discipline and order that professional software development and testing require.

Ben is the President of the Association of Software Testing. His comments will be supported by many testers who see how it matches their own experience. Also, there has been some interesting academic work that justify such scepticism about standards. Interestingly, it has not come from orthodox IT academics.

Lloyd Roden drew on the work of the Dreyfus brothers as he presented a powerful argument against the idea of “best practice” at Starwest 2009 and the TestNet Najaarsevent. Hubert Dreyfus is a philosopher and psychologist and Stuart Dreyfus works in the fields of industrial engineering and artificial intelligence.

In 1980 they wrote an influential paper that described how people pass through five levels of competence as they move from novice to expert status, and analysed how rules and guidelines helped them along the way. The five level of the Dreyfus Model of Skills Acquisition can be summarised as follows.

  1. Novices require rules that can be applied in narrowly defined situations, free of the wider context.
  2. Advanced beginners can work with guidelines that are less rigid than the rules that novices require.
  3. Competent practitioners understand the plan and goals, and can evaluate alternative ways to reach the goal.
  4. Proficient practitioners have sufficient experience to foresee the likely result of different approaches and can predict what is likely to be the best outcome.
  5. Experts can intuitively see the best approach. Their vast experience and skill mean that rules and guidelines have no practical value.

For novices the context of the problem presents potentially confusing complications. Rules provide clarity. For experts, understanding the context is crucial and rules are at best an irrelevant hindrance.

Roden argued that we should challenge any references to “best practices”. We should talk about good practices instead, and know when and when not to apply them. He argued that imposing “best practice” on experienced professionals stifles creativity, frustrates the best people and can prompt them to leave.

However, the problem is not simply a matter of “rules for beginners, no rules for experts”. Rules can have unintended consequences, even for beginners.

Chris Atherton, a senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Central Lancashire, made an interesting point in a general, anecdotal discussion about the ways in which learners relate to rules.

“The trouble with rules is that people cling to them for reassurance, and what was originally intended as a guideline quickly becomes a noose.

The issue of rules being constrictive or restrictive to experienced professionals is a really interesting one, because I also see it at the opposite end of the scale, among beginners.”

Obviously the key difference is that beginners do need some kind of structural scaffold or support; but I think we often fail to acknowledge that the nature of that early support can seriously constrain the possibilities apparent to a beginner, and restrict their later development.”

The issue of whether rules can hinder the development of beginners has significant implications for the way our profession structures its processes. Looking back at work I did at the turn of the decade improving testing processes for an organisation that was aiming for CMMI level 3, I worry about the effect it had.

Independent professional testing was a novelty for this client and the testers were very inexperienced. We did the job to the best of our ability at the time, and our processes were certainly considered best practice by my employers and the client.

The trouble is that people can learn, change and grow faster than strict processes adapt. A year later and I’d have done it better. Two years later, it would have been different and better, and so on.

Meanwhile, the testers would have been gaining in experience and confidence, but the processes I left behind were set in tablets of stone.

As Ben Simo put it; “if an organisation is at a level less than the intent of level 5, CMM seems to often lock in ignorance that existed when the process was created”.

CMMI has its merits but also has dangers. Continuous process improvement is at its heart, but these are incremental advances and refinements in response to analysis of metrics.

Step changes or significant changes in response to a new problem don’t fit comfortably with that approach. Beginners advance from the first stage of the Dreyfus Model, but the context they come to know and accept is one of rigid processes and rules.

Rules, mandatory standards and inflexible processes can hinder the development of beginners. Rigid standards don’t promote quality. They can have the opposite effect if they keep testers in the kindergarten.

IEEE829 and the motivation behind documentation

One could argue that standards do not have to be mandatory. Software developers are pragmatic, and understand when standards should be mandatory and when they should be discretionary. That is true, but the problem is that the word “standards” strongly implies compulsion. That is the interpretation that most outsiders would place on the word.

People do act on the assumption that the standard should be mandatory, and then regard non-compliance as a failure, deviation or problem. These people include accountants and lawyers, and perhaps most significantly, auditors.

My particular concern is the effect of IEEE 829 testing documentation standard. I wonder if much more than 1% of testers have ever seen a copy of the standard. However, much of its content is very familiar, and its influence is pervasive.

IEEE 829 is a good document with much valuable material in it. It has excellent templates, which provide great examples of how to meticulously document a project.

Or at least they’re great examples of meticulous documentation if that is the right approach for the project. That of course is the question that has to be asked. What is the right approach? Too often the existence of a detailed documentation standard is taken as sufficient justification for detailed documentation.

I’m going to run through two objections to detailed documentation. They are related, but one refers to design and the other to testing. It could be argued that both have their roots in psychology as much as IT.

I believe that the fixation of many projects on documentation, and the highly dubious assumption that quality and planning are synonymous with detailed documentation, have their roots in the structured methods that dominated software development for so long.

These methods were built on the assumption that software development was an engineering discipline, rather than a creative process, and that greater quality and certainty in the development process could be achieved only through engineering style rigour and structure.

Paul Ward, one of the leading developers of structured methods, wrote a series of articles [2] on the history of structured methods, which admitted that they were neither based on empirical research nor subjected to peer-review.

Two other proponents of structured methods, Larry Constantine and Ed Yourdon, admitted that the early investigations were no more than informal “noon-hour” critiques” [3].

Fitzgerald, Russo and Stolterman gave a brief history of structured methods in their book “Information Systems Development – Methods in Action” [4] and concluded that “the authors relied on intuition rather than real-world experience that the techniques would work”.

One of the main problem areas for structured methods was the leap from the requirements to the design. Fitzgerald et al wrote that “the creation of hierarchical structure charts from data flow diagrams is poorly defined, thus causing the design to be loosely coupled to the results of the analysis. Coad & Yourdon [5] label this shift as a ‘Grand Canyon’ due to its fundamental discontinuity.”

The solution to this discontinuity, according to the advocates of structured methods, was an avalanche of documentation to help analysts to crawl carefully from the current physical system, through the current logical system to a future logical system and finally a future physical system.

Not surprisingly, given the massive documentation overhead, and developers’ propensity to pragmatically tailor and trim formal methods, this full process was seldom followed. What was actually done was more informal, intuitive, and opaque to outsiders.

An interesting strand of research was pursued by Human Computer Interface academics such as Curtis, Iscoe and Krasner [6], and Robbins, Hilbert and Redmiles [7].

They attempted to identify the mental processes followed by successful software designers when building designs. Their conclusion was that they did so using a high-speed, iterative process; repeatedly building, proving and refining mental simulations of how the system might work.

Unsuccessful designers couldn’t conceive working simulations, and fixed on designs whose effectiveness they couldn’t test till they’d been built.

Curtis et al wrote;

Exceptional designers were extremely familiar with the application domain. Their crucial contribution was their ability to map between the behavior required of the application system and the computational structures that implemented this behavior.

In particular, they envisioned how the design would generate the system behavior customers expected, even under exceptional circumstances.”

Robbins et al stressed the importance of iteration;

“The cognitive theory of reflection-in-action observes that designers of complex systems do not conceive a design fully-formed. Instead, they must construct a partial design, evaluate, reflect on, and revise it, until they are ready to extend it further.”

The eminent US software pioneer Robert Glass discussed these studies in his book “Software Conflict 2.0” [8] and observed that;

“people who are not very good at design … tend to build representations of a design rather than models; they are then unable to perform simulation runs; and the result is they invent and are stuck with inadequate design solutions.”

These studies fatally undermine the argument that linear and documentation driven processes are necessary for a quality product and that more flexible, light-weight documentation approaches are irresponsible.

Flexibility and intuition are vital to developers. Heavyweight documentation can waste time and suffocate staff if used when there is no need.

Ironically, it was the heavyweight approach that was founded on guesswork and intuition, and the lightweight approach that has sound conceptual underpinnings.

The lessons of the HCI academics have obvious implications for exploratory testing, which again is rooted in psychology as much as in IT. In particular, the finding by Curtis et al that “exceptional designers were extremely familiar with the application domain” takes us to the heart of exploratory testing.

What matters is not extensive documentation of test plans and scripts, but deep knowledge of the application. These need not be mutually exclusive, but on high-pressure, time-constrained projects it can be hard to do both.

Itkonen, Mäntylä and Lassenius conducted a fascinating experiment at the University of Helsinki in 2007 in which they tried to compare the effectiveness of exploratory testing and test case based testing. [9]

Their findings were that test case testing was no more effective in finding defects. The defects were a mixture of native defects in the application and defects seeded by the researchers. Defects were categorised according to the ease with which they could be found. Defects were also assigned to one of eight defect types (performance, usability etc.).

Exploratory testing scored better for defects at all four levels of “ease of detection”, and in 6 out of the 8 defect type categories. The differences were not considered statistically significant, but it is interesting that exploratory testing had the slight edge given that conventional wisdom for many years was that heavily documented scripting was essential for effective testing.

However, the really significant finding, which the researchers surprisingly did not make great play of, was that the exploratory testing results were achieved with 18% of the effort of the test case testing.

The exploratory testing required 1.5 hours per tester, and the test case testing required an average of 8.5 hours (7 hours preparation and 1.5 hours testing).

It is possible to criticise the methods of the researchers, particularly their use of students taking a course in software testing, rather than professionals experienced in applying the techniques they were using.

However, exploratory testing has often been presumed to be suitable only for experienced testers, with scripted, test case based testing being more appropriate for the less experienced.

The methods followed by the Helsinki researchers might have been expected to bias the results in favour of test case testing. Therefore, the finding that exploratory testing is at least as effective as test case testing with a fraction of the effort should make proponents of heavily documented test planning pause to reconsider whether it is always appropriate.

Documentation per se does not produce quality. Quality is not necessarily dependent on documentation. Sometimes they can be in conflict.

Firstly, the emphasis on producing the documentation can be a major distraction for test managers. Most of their effort goes into producing, refining and updating plans that often bear little relation to reality.

Meanwhile the team are working hard firming up detailed test cases based on an imperfect and possibly outdated understanding of the application. While the application is undergoing the early stages of testing, with consequent fixes and changes, detailed test plans for the later stages are being built on shifting sand.

You may think that is being too cynical and negative, and that testers will be able to produce useful test cases based on a correct understanding of the system as it is supposed to be delivered to the testing stage in question. However, even if that is so, the Helsinki study shows that this is not a necessary condition for effective testing.

Further, if similar results can be achieved with less than 20% of the effort, how much more could be achieved if the testers were freed from the documentation drudgery in order to carry out more imaginative and proactive testing during the earlier stages of development?

Susan Land’s fourth justification for standards (see start of article) has interesting implications.

Standards “can be attached to or referenced by contracts”. That is certainly true. However, the danger of detailed templates in the form of a standard is that organisations tailor their development practices to the templates rather than the other way round.

If the lawyers fasten onto the standard and write its content into the contract then documentation can become an end and not just a means to an end.

Documentation becomes a “deliverable”. The dreaded phrase “work product” is used, as if the documentation output is a product of similar value to the software.

In truth, sometimes it is more valuable if the payments are staged under the terms of the contract, and dependent on the production of satisfactory documentation.

I have seen triumphant announcements of “success” following approval of “work products” with the consequent release of payment to the supplier when I have known the underlying project to be in a state of chaos.

Formal, traditional methods attempt to represent a highly complex, even chaotic, process in a defined, repeatable model. These methods often bear only vague similarities to what developers have to do to craft applications.

The end product is usually poor quality, late and over budget. Any review of the development will find constant deviations from the mandated method.

The suppliers, and defenders, of the method can then breathe a sigh of relief. The sacred method was not followed. It was the team’s fault. If only they’d done it by the book! The possibility that the developers’ and testers’ apparent sins were the only reason anything was produced at all is never considered.

What about the auditors?

Adopting standards like IEEE 829 without sufficient thought causes real problems. If the standard doesn’t reflect what really has to be done to bring the project to a successful conclusion then mandated tasks or documents may be ignored or skimped on, with the result that a subsequent review or audit reports on a failure to comply.

An alternative danger is that testers do comply when there is no need, and put too much effort into the wrong things. Often testers arrive late on the project. Sometimes the emphasis is on catching up with plans and documentation that are of dubious value, and are not an effective use of the limited resources and time.

However, if the contract requires it, or if there is a fear of the consequences of an audit, then it could be rational to assign valuable staff to unproductive tasks.

Sadly, auditors are often portrayed as corporate bogey-men. It is assumed that they will conduct audits by following ticklists, with simplistic questions that require yes/no answers. “Have you done x to y, yes or no”.

If the auditees start answering “No, but …” they would be cut off with “So, it’s no”.

I have seen that style of auditing. It is unprofessional and organisations that tolerate it have deeper problems than unskilled, poorly trained auditors. It is senior management that creates the environment in which the ticklist approach thrives. However, I don’t believe it is common. Unfortunately people often assume that this style of auditing is the norm.

IT audit is an interesting example of a job that looks extremely easy at first sight, but is actually very difficult when you get into it.

It is very easy for an inexperienced auditor to do what appears to be a decent job. At least it looks competent to everyone except experienced auditors and those who really understand the area under review.

If auditors are to add value they have to be able to use their judgement, and that has to be based on their own skills and experience as well as formal standards.

They have to be able to analyse a situation and evaluate whether the risks have been identified and whether the controls are appropriate to the level of risk.

It is very difficult to find the right line and you need good experienced auditors to do that. I believe that ideally IT auditors should come from an IT background so that they do understand what is going on; poachers turned gamekeepers if you like.

Too often testers assume that they know what auditors expect, and they do not speak directly to the auditors or check exactly what professional auditing consists of.

They assume that auditors expect to see detailed documentation of every stage, without consideration of whether it truly adds value, promotes quality or helps to manage the risk.

Professional auditors take a constructive and pragmatic approach and can help testers. I want to help testers understand that. I used to find it frustrating when I worked as an IT auditor when I found that people had wasted time on unnecessary and unhelpful actions on the assumption that “the auditors require it”.

Kanwal Mookhey, an IT auditor and founder of NII consulting, wrote an interesting article for the Internal Auditor magazine of May 2008 [10] about auditing IT project management.

He described the checking that auditors should carry out at each stage of a project. He made no mention of the need to see documentation of detailed test plans and scripts whereas he did emphasize the need for early testing.

Kanwal told me.

“I would agree that auditors are – or should be – more inclined to see comprehensive testing, rather than comprehensive test documentation.

Documentation of test results is another matter of course. As an auditor, I would be more keen to know that a broad-based testing manual exists, and that for the system in question, key risks and controls identified during the design phase have been tested for. The test results would provide a higher degree of assurance than exhaustive test plans.”

One of the most significant developments in the field of IT governance in the last few decades has been the US 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which imposed new standards of reporting, auditing and control for US companies. It has had massive worldwide influence because it applies to the foreign subsidiaries of US companies, and foreign companies that are listed on the US stock exchanges.

The act attracted considerable criticism for the additional overheads it imposed on companies, duplicating existing controls and imposing new ones of dubious value.

Unfortunately, the response to Sarbanes-Oxley verged on the hysterical, with companies, and unfortunately some auditors, reading more into the legislation than a calmer reading could justify. The assumption was that every process and activity should be tied down and documented in great detail.

However, not even Sarbanes-Oxley, supposedly the sacred text of extreme documentation, requires detailed documentation of test plans or scripts. That may be how some people misinterpret the act. It is neither mandated by the act nor recommended in the guidance documents issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors [11] and the Information Systems Audit & Control Association [12].

If anyone tries to justify extensive documentation by telling you that “the auditors will expect it”, call their bluff. Go and speak to the auditors. Explain that what you are doing is planned, responsible and will have sufficient documentation of the test results.

Documentation is never required “for the auditors”. If it is required it is because it is needed to manage the project, or it is a requirement of the project that has to be justified like any other requirement. That is certainly true of safety critical applications, or applications related to pharmaceutical development and manufacture. It is not true in all cases.

IEEE 829 and other standards do have value, but in my opinion their value is not as standards! They do contain some good advice and the fruits of vast experience. However, they should be guidelines to help the inexperienced, and memory joggers for the more experienced.

I hope this article has made people think about whether mandatory standards are appropriate for software development and testing, and whether detailed documentation in the style of IEEE 829 is always needed. I hope that I have provided some arguments and evidence that will help testers persuade others of the need to give testers the freedom to leave the kindergarten and grow as professionals.


[1] Land, S. (2005). “Jumpstart CMM-CMMI Software Process Improvements – using IEEE software engineering standards”, Wiley.

[2a] Ward, P. (1991). “The evolution of structured analysis: Part 1 – the early years”. American Programmer, vol 4, issue 11, 1991. pp4-16.

[2b] Ward, P. (1992). “The evolution of structured analysis: Part 2 – maturity and its problems”. American Programmer, vol 5, issue 4, 1992. pp18-29.

[2c] Ward, P. (1992). “The evolution of structured analysis: Part 3 – spin offs, mergers and acquisitions”. American Programmer, vol 5, issue 9, 1992. pp41-53.

[3] Yourdon, E., Constantine, L. (1977) “Structured Design”. Yourdon Press, New York.

[4] Fitzgerald B., Russo N., Stolterman, E. (2002). “Information Systems Development – Methods in Action”, McGraw Hill.

[5] Coad, P., Yourdon, E. (1991). “Object-Oriented Analysis”, 2nd edition. Yourdon Press.

[6] Curtis, B., Iscoe, N., Krasner, H. (1988). “A field study of the software design process for large systems” (NB PDF download). Communications of the ACM, Volume 31, Issue 11 (November 1988), pp1268-1287.

[7] Robbins, J., Hilbert, D., Redmiles, D. (1998). “Extending Design Environments to Software Architecture Design” (NB PDF download). Automated Software Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, July 1998, pp261-290.

[8] Glass, R. (2006). “Software Conflict 2.0: The Art and Science of Software Engineering” Developer Dot Star Books.

[9a] Itkonen, J., Mäntylä, M., Lassenius C., (2007). “Defect detection efficiency – test case based vs exploratory testing”. First International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. (Payment required).

[9b] Itkonen, J. (2008). “Do test cases really matter? An experiment comparing test case based and exploratory testing”.

[10] Mookhey, K. (2008). “Auditing IT Project Management”. Internal Auditor, May 2008, the Institute of Internal Auditors.

[11] The Institute of Internal Auditors (2008). “Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404: A Guide for Management by Internal Controls Practitioners”.

[12] Information Systems Audit and Control Association (2006). “IT Control Objectives for Sarbanes-Oxley 2nd Edition”.

The dragons of the unknown; part 9 – learning to live with the unknowable


This is the ninth and final post in a series about problems that fascinate me, that I think are important and interesting. The series draws on important work from the fields of safety critical systems and from the study of complexity, specifically complex socio-technical systems. This was the theme of my keynote at EuroSTAR in The Hague (November 12th-15th 2018).

The first post was a reflection, based on personal experience, on the corporate preference for building bureaucracy rather than dealing with complex reality, “facing the dragons part 1 – corporate bureaucracies”. Part 2 was about the nature of complex systems. The third followed on from part 2, and talked about the impossibility of knowing exactly how complex socio-technical systems will behave with the result that it is impossible to specify them precisely, “I don’t know what’s going on”.

Part 4 “a brief history of accident models”, looked at accident models, i.e. the way that safety experts mentally frame accidents when they try to work out what caused them.

The fifth post, “accident investigations and treating people fairly”, looked at weaknesses in the way that we have traditionally investigated accidents and failures, assuming neat linearity with clear cause and effect. In particular, our use of root cause analysis, and willingness to blame people for accidents is hard to justify.

Part six “Safety II, a new way of looking at safety” looks at the response of the safety critical community to such problems and the necessary trade offs that a practical response requires. The result, Safety II, is intriguing and has important lessons for software testers.

The seventh post “Resilience requires people” is about the importance of system resilience and the vital role that people play in keeping systems going.

The eighth post “How we look at complex systems” is about the way we choose to look at complex systems, the mental models that we build to try and understand them, and the relevance of Devops.

This final post will try to draw all these strands together and present some thoughts about the future of testing as we are increasingly confronted with complex systems that are beyond our ability to comprehend.

Computing will become more complex

Even if we choose to focus on the simpler problems, rather than help users understand complexity, the reality is that computing is only going to get more complex. The problems that users of complex socio-technical systems have to grapple with will inevitably get more difficult and more intractable. The choice is whether we want to remain relevant, but uncomfortable, or go for comfortable bullshit that we feel we can handle. Remember Zadeh’s Law of Incompatibility (see part 7 – resilience requires people). “As complexity increases, precise statements lose their meaning, and meaningful statements lose precision”. Quantum computing, artificial intelligence and adaptive algorithms are just three of the areas of increasing importance whose inherent complexity will make it impossible for testers to offer opinions that are both precise and meaningful.

Quantum computing, in particular, is fascinating. By its very nature it is probabilistic, not deterministic. The idea that well designed and written programs should always produce the same output from the same data is relevant only to digital computers (and even then the maxim has to be heavily qualified in practice); it never holds true at any level for quantum computers. I wrote about this in “Quantum computing; a whole new field of bewilderment”.

The final quote from that article, “perplexity is the beginning of knowledge”, applies not only to quantum computing but also to artificial intelligence and the fiendish complexity of algorithms processing big data. One of the features of quantum computing is the way that changing a single qubit, the equivalent of digital bytes, will trigger changes in other qubits. This is entanglement, but the same word is now being used to describe the incomprehensible complexity of modern digital systems. Various writers have talked about this being the Age of Entanglement, eg Samuel Arbesman, in his book “Overcomplicated: Technology at the Limits of Comprehension)”, Emmet Connolly, in an article “Design in the Age of Entanglement” and Danny Hillis, in an article “The Enlightenment is Dead, Long Live the Entanglement”.

The purist in me disapproves of recycling a precise term from quantum science to describe loosely a phenomenon in digital computing. However, it does serve a useful role. It is a harsh and necessary reminder and warning that modern systems have developed beyond our ability to understand them. They are no more comprehensible than quantum systems, and as Richard Feynman is popularly, though possibly apocryphally, supposed to have said; “If you think you understand quantum physics, you don’t understand quantum physics.”

So the choice for testers will increasingly be to decide how we respond to Zadeh’s Law. Do we offer answers that are clear, accurate, precise and largely useless to the people who lose sleep at night worrying about risks? Or do we say “I don’t know for sure, and I can’t know, but this is what I’ve learned about the dangers lurking in the unknown, and what I’ve learned about how people will try to stay clear of these dangers, and how we can help them”?

If we go for the easy options and restrict our role to problems which allow definite answers then we will become irrelevant. We might survive as process drones, holders of a “bullshit job” that fits neatly into the corporate bureaucracy but offers little of value. That will be tempting in the short to medium term. Large organisations often value protocol and compliance more highly than they value technical expertise. That’s a tough problem to deal with. We have to confront that and communicate why that worldview isn’t just dated, it’s wrong. It’s not merely a matter of fashion.

If we’re not offering anything of real value then there are two possible dangers. We will be replaced by people prepared to do poor work cheaper; if you’re doing nothing useful then there is always someone who can undercut you. Or we will be increasingly replaced by automation because we have opted to stay rooted in the territory where machines can be more effective, or at least efficient.

If we fail to deal with complexity the danger is that mainstream testing will be restricted to “easy” jobs – the dull, boring jobs. When I moved into internal audit I learned to appreciate the significance of all the important systems being inter-related. It was where systems interfaced, and when people were involved that they got interesting. The finance systems with which I worked may have been almost entirely batch based, but they performed a valuable role for the people with whom we were constantly discussing the behaviour of these systems. Anything standalone was neither important nor particularly interesting. Anything that didn’t leave smart people scratching their heads and worrying was likely to be boring. Inter-connectedness and complexity will only increase and however difficult testing becomes it won’t be boring – so long as we are doing a useful job.

If we want to work with the important, interesting systems then we have to deal with complexity and the sort of problems the safety people have been wrestling with. There will always be a need for people to learn and inform others about complex systems. The American economist Tyler Cowen in his book “Average is Over” states the challenge clearly. We will need interpreters of complex systems.

“They will become clearing houses for and evaluators of the work of others… They will hone their skills of seeking out, absorbing and evaluating information… They will be translators of the truths coming out of our network of machines… At least for a while they will be the only people who will have a clear notion of what is going on.”

I’m not comfortable with the idea of truths coming out of machines, and we should resist the idea that we can ever be entirely clear about what is going on. But the need for experts who can interpret complex systems is clear. Society will look for them. Testers should aspire to be among those valuable specialists. conductorThe complexity of these systems will be beyond the ability of any one person to comprehend, but perhaps these interpreters, in addition to deploying their own skills, will be able to act like a conductor of an orchestra, to return to the analogy I used in part seven (Resilience requires people). Conductors are talented musicians in their own right, but they call on the expertise of different specialists, blending their contribution to produce something of value to the audience. Instead of a piece of music the interpreter tester would produce a story that sheds light on the system, guiding the people who need to know.

Testers in the future will have to be confident and assertive when they try to educate others about complexity, the inexplicable and the unknowable. Too often in corporate life a lack of certainty has been seen as a weakness. We have to stand our ground and insist on our right to be heard and taken seriously when we argue that certainty cannot be available if we want to talk about the risks and problems that matter. My training and background meant I couldn’t keep quiet when I saw problems, that were being ignored because no-one knew how to deal with them. As Better Software said about me, I’m never afraid to voice my opinion.better software says I am never afraid to voice my opinion

Never be afraid to speak out, to explain why your experience and expertise make your opinions valuable, however uncomfortable these may be for others. That’s what you’re paid for, not to provide comforting answers. The metaphor of facing the dragons of the unknown is extremely important. People will have to face these dragons. Testers have a responsibility to try and shed as much light as possible on those dragons lurking in the darkness beyond what we can see and understand easily. If we concentrate only on what we can know and say with certainty it means we walk away from offering valuable, heavily qualified advice about the risks, threats & opportunities that matter to people. Our job should entail trying to help and protect people. As Jerry Weinberg said in “Secrets of Consulting”;

“No matter what they tell you, it’s always a people problem.”

The dragons of the unknown; part 8 – how we look at complex systems


This is the eighth post in a series about problems that fascinate me, that I think are important and interesting. The series draws on important work from the fields of safety critical systems and from the study of complexity, specifically complex socio-technical systems. This was the theme of my keynote at EuroSTAR in The Hague (November 12th-15th 2018).

The first post was a reflection, based on personal experience, on the corporate preference for building bureaucracy rather than dealing with complex reality, “facing the dragons part 1 – corporate bureaucracies”. Part 2 was about the nature of complex systems. The third followed on from part 2, and talked about the impossibility of knowing exactly how complex socio-technical systems will behave with the result that it is impossible to specify them precisely, “I don’t know what’s going on”.

Part 4 “a brief history of accident models”, looked at accident models, i.e. the way that safety experts mentally frame accidents when they try to work out what caused them.

The fifth post, “accident investigations and treating people fairly”, looked at weaknesses in the way that we have traditionally investigated accidents and failures, assuming neat linearity with clear cause and effect. In particular, our use of root cause analysis, and willingness to blame people for accidents is hard to justify.

Part six “Safety II, a new way of looking at safety” looks at the response of the safety critical community to such problems and the necessary trade offs that a practical response requires. The result, Safety II, is intriguing and has important lessons for software testers.

The seventh post “Resilience requires people” is about the importance of system resilience and the vital role that people play in keeping systems going.

This eighth post is about the way we choose to look at complex systems, the mental models that we build to try and understand them, and the relevance of Devops.

Choosing what we look at

The ideas I’ve been writing about resonated strongly with me when I first read about the safety and resilience engineering communities. What unites them is a serious, mature awareness of the importance of their work. Compared to these communities I sometimes feel as if normal software developers and testers are like children playing with cool toys while the safety critical engineers are the adults worrying about the real world.

The complex insurance finance systems I worked with were part of a wider system with correspondingly more baffling complexity. Remember the comments of Professor Michael McIntyre (in part six, “Safety II, a new way of looking at safety”).

“If we want to understand things in depth we usually need to think of them both as objects and as dynamic processes and see how it all fits together. Understanding means being able to see something from more than one viewpoint.”

If we zoom out for a wider perspective in both space and time we can see that objects which looked simple and static are part of a fluid, dynamic process. We can choose where we place the boundaries of the systems we want to learn about. We should make that decision based on where we can offer most value, not where the answers are easiest. We should not be restricting ourselves to problems that allow us to make definite, precise statements. We shouldn’t be looking only where the light is good, but also in the darkness. We should be peering out into the unknown where there may be dragons and dangers lurking.
drunkard looking under the streetlight
Taking the wider perspective, the insurance finance systems for which I was responsible were essentially control mechanisms to allow statisticians to continually monitor and fine tune the rates, the price at which we sold insurance. They were continually searching for patterns, trying to understand how the different variables played off each other. We made constant small adjustments to keep the systems running effectively. We had to react to business problems that the systems revealed to our users, and to technical problems caused by all the upstream feeding applications. Nobody could predict the exact result of adjustments, but we learned to predict confidently the direction; good or bad.

The idea of testing these systems with a set of test cases, with precisely calculated expected results, was laughably naïve. These systems weren’t precise or accurate in a simple book-keeping sense, but they were extremely valuable. If we as developers and testers were to do a worthwhile job for our users we couldn’t restrict ourselves to focusing on whether the outputs from individual programs matched our expectations, which were no more likely to be “correct” (whatever that might mean in context) than the output.

Remember, these systems were performing massively complex calculations on huge volumes of data and thus producing answers that were not available any other way. We could predict how an individual record would be processed, but putting small numbers of records through the systems would tell us nothing worthwhile. Rounding errors would swamp any useful information. A change to a program that introduced a serious bug would probably produce a result that was indistinguishable from correct output with a small sample of data, but introduce serious and unacceptable error when we were dealing with the usual millions of records.

We couldn’t spot patterns from a hundred records using programs designed to tease out patterns from datasets with millions of records. We couldn’t specify expected outputs from systems that are intended to help us find out about unknown unknowns.

The only way to generate predictable output was to make unrealistic assumptions about the input data, to distort it so it would fit what we thought we knew. We might do that in unit testing but it was pointless in more rigorous later testing. We had to lift our eyes and understand the wider context, the commercial need to compete in the insurance marketplace with rates that were set with reasonable confidence in the accuracy of the pricing of the risks, rather than being set by guesswork, as had traditionally been the case. We were totally reliant on the expertise of our users, who in turn were totally reliant on our technical skills and experience.

I had one difficult, but enlightening, discussion with a very experienced and thoughtful user. I asked her to set acceptance criteria for a new system. She refused and continued to refuse even when I persisted. I eventually grasped why she wouldn’t set firm criteria. She couldn’t possibly articulate a full set of criteria. Inevitably she would only be able to state a small set of what might be relevant. It was misleading to think only in terms of a list of things that should be acceptable. She also had to think about the relationships between different factors. The permutations were endless, and spotting what might be wrong was a matter of experience and deep tacit knowledge.

This user was also concerned that setting a formal set of acceptance criteria would lead me and my team to focus on that list, which would mean treating the limited set of knowledge that was explicit as if it were the whole. We would be looking for confirmation of what we expected, rather than trying to help her shed light on the unknown.

Dealing with the wider context and becoming comfortable with the reality that we were dealing with the unknown was intellectually demanding and also rewarding. We had to work very closely with our users and we built strong, respectful and trusting relationships that ran deep and lasted long. When we hit serious problems, those good relations were vital. We could all work together, confident in each other’s abilities. These relationships have lasted many years, even though none of us still work for the same company.

We had to learn as much as possible from the users. This learning process was never ending. We were all learning, both users and developers, all the time. The more we learned about our systems the better we could understand the marketplace. The more we learned about how the business was working in the outside world the better our fine tuning of the systems.

Devops – a future reminiscent of my past?

With these complex insurance finance systems the need for constant learning dominated the whole development lifecyle to such an extent that we barely thought in terms of a testing phase. Some of our automated tests were built into the production system to monitor how it was running. We never talked of “testing in production”. That was a taboo phrase. Constant monitoring? Learning in production? These were far more diplomatic ways of putting it. However, the frontier between development and production was so blurred and arbitrary that we once, under extreme pressure of time, went to the lengths of using what were officially test runs to feed the annual high level business planning. This was possible only because of a degree of respect and trust between users, developers and operations staff that I’ve never seen before or since.

That close working relationship didn’t happen by chance. Our development team was pulled out of Information Services, the computing function, and assigned to the business, working side by side with the insurance statisticians. Our contact in operations wasn’t similarly seconded, but he was permanently available and was effectively part of the team.

The normal development standards and methods did not apply to our work. The company recognised that they were not appropriate and we were allowed to feel our way and come up with methods that would work for us. I wrote more about this a few years ago in “Adventures with Big Data”.

When Devops broke onto the scene I was fascinated. It is a response not only to the need for continuous delivery, but also to the problems posed by working with increasingly complex and intractable systems. I could identify with so much; the constant monitoring, learning about the system in production, breaking down traditional structures and barriers, different disciplines working more closely together. None of that seemed new to me. These had felt like a natural way to develop the deeply complicated insurance finance systems that would inevitably evolve into creatures as complex as the business environment in which they helped us to survive.

I’ve found Noah Sussman’s work very helpful. He has explicitly linked Devops with the ideas I have been discussing (in this whole series) that have emerged from the resilience engineering and safety critical communities. In particular, Sussman has picked up on an argument that Sidney Dekker has been making, notably in his book “Safety Differently”, that nobody can have a clear idea of how complex sociotechnical systems are working. There cannot be a single, definitive and authoritative (ie canonical) description of the system. The view that each expert has, as they try to make the system work, is valid but it is inevitably incomplete. Sussman put it as follows in his blog series “Software as Narrative”.

“At the heart of Devops is the admission that no single actor can ever obtain a ‘canonical view’ of an incident that took place during operations within an intractably complex sociotechnical system such as a software organization, hospital, airport or oil refinery (for instance).”

Dekker describes this as ontological relativism. The terminology from philosophy might seem intimidating, but anyone who has puzzled their way through a production problem in a complex system in the middle of the night should be able to identify with it. Brian Fay (in “Contemporary Philosophy of Social Science”) defines ontological relativism as meaning “reality itself is thought to be determined by the particular conceptual scheme of those living within it”.

If you’ve ever been alone in the deep of the night, trying to make sense of an intractable problem that has brought a complex system down, you’ll know what it feels like to be truly alone, to be dependent on your own skills and experience. The system documentation is of limited help. The insights of other people aren’t much use. They aren’t there, and the commentary they’ve offered in the past reflected their own understanding that they have constructed of how the system works. The reality that you have to deal with is what you are able to make sense of. What matters is your understanding, your own mental model.

I was introduced to this idea that we use mental models to help us gain traction with intractable systems by David Woods’ work. He (along with co-authors Paul Feltovich, Robert Hoffman and Axel Roesler) introduced me to the “envisaged worlds” that I mentioned in part one of this series. Woods expanded on this in “Behind Human Error” (chapter six), co-written with Sidney Dekker, Richard Cook, Leila Johannesen and Nadine Sarter.

These mental models are potentially dangerous, as I explained in part one. They are invariably oversimplified. They are partial, flawed and (to use the word favoured by Woods et al) they are “buggy”. But it is an oversimplification to dismiss them as useless because they are oversimplified; they are vitally important. We have to be aware of their limitations, and our own instinctive desire to make them too simple, but we need them to get anywhere when we work with complex systems.

Without these mental models we would be left bemused and helpless when confronted with deep complexity. Rather than thinking of these models as attempts to form precise representations of systems it is far more useful to treat them as heuristics, which are (as defined by James Bach, I think), a useful but fallible way to solve a problem or make a decision.

David Woods is a member of Snafucatchers, which describes itself as “a consortium of industry leaders and researchers united in the common cause of understanding and coping with the immense levels of complexity involved in the operation of critical digital services.”

Snafucatchers produced an important report in 2017, “STELLA – Report from the SNAFUcatchers Workshop on Coping With Complexity”. The workshop and report looked at how experts respond to anomalies and failures with complex systems. It’s well worth reading and reflecting on. The report discusses mental models and adds an interesting refinement, the line of representation.the line of representation
Above the line of representation we have the parts of the overall system that are visible; the people, their actions and interactions. The line itself has the facilities and tools that allow us to monitor and manage what is going on below the line. We build our mental models of how the system is working and use the information from the screens we see, and the controls available to us to operate the system. However, what we see and manipulate is not the system itself.

There is a mass of artifacts under the line that we can never directly see working. We see only the representation that is available to us at the level of the line. Everything else is out of sight and the representations that are available to us offer us only the chance to peer through a keyhole as we try to make sense of the system below. There has always been a large and invisible substructure in complex IT systems that was barely visible or understood. With internet systems this has grown enormously.

The green line is the line of representation. It is composed of terminal display screens, keyboards, mice, trackpads, and other interfaces. The software and hardware (collectively, the technical artifacts) running below the line cannot be seen or controlled directly. Instead, every interaction crossing the line is mediated by a representation. This is true as well for people in the using world who interact via representations on their computer screens and send keystrokes and mouse movements.

A somewhat startling consequence of this is that what is below the line is inferred from people’s mental models of The System.

And those models of the system are based on the partial representation that is visible to us above the line.

An important consequence of this is that people interacting with the system are critically dependent on their mental models of that system – models that are sure to be incomplete, buggy (see Woods et al above, “Behind Human Error”), and quickly become stale. When a technical system surprises us, it is most often because our mental models of that system are flawed.

This has important implications for teams working with complex systems. The system is constantly adapting and evolving. The mental models that people use must also constantly be revised and refined if they are to remain useful. Each of these individual models represents the reality that each operator understands. All the models are different, but all are equally valid, as ontological relativism tells us. As each team member has a different, valid model it is important that they work together closely, sharing their models so they can co-operate effectively.

This is a world in which traditional corporate bureaucracy with clear, fixed lines of command and control, with detailed and prescriptive processes, is redundant. It offers little of value – only an illusion of control for those at the top, and it hinders the people who are doing the most valuable work (see “part 1 – corporate bureaucracies”).

For those who work with complex, sociotechnical systems the flexibility, the co-operative teamwork, the swifter movement and, above all, the realism of Devops offer greater promise. My experience with deeply complex systems has persuaded me that such an approach is worthwhile. But just as these complex systems will constantly change so must the way we respond. There is no magic, definitive solution that will always work for us. We will always have to adapt, to learn and change if we are to remain relevant.

It is important that developers and testers pay close attention to the work of people like the Snafucatchers. They are offering the insights, the evidence and the arguments that will help us to adapt in a world that will never stop adapting.

In the final part of this series, part 9 “Learning to live with the unknowable” I will try to draw all these strands together and present some thoughts about the future of testing as we are increasingly confronted with complex systems that are beyond our ability to comprehend.

Dave Snowden’s Cynefin masterclass in New York, 2nd May 2017 – part 2

This post is the second of two discussing Dave Snowden’s recent Cynefin masterclass at the Test Leadership Congress in New York. I wrote the series with the support of the Committee on Standards and Professional Practices of the Association for Software Testing. The posts originally appeared on the AST site.

In the first I gave an overview of Cynefin and explained why I think it is important, and how it can helpfully shape the way we look at the world and make sense of the problems we face. In this post I will look at some of the issues raised in Dave’s class and discuss their relevance to development and testing.

The dynamics between domains

Understanding that the boundaries between the different domains are fluid and permeable is crucial to understanding Cynefin. A vital lesson is that we don’t start in one domain and stay there; we can and should move between them. Even if we ignore that lesson reality will drag us from one domain to another. Dave said “all the domains have value – it’s the ability to move between them that is key”.

The Cynefin dynamics are closely tied to the concept of constraints, which are so important to Cynefin that they act as differentiators between the domains. You could say that constraints define the domains.

Constraint is perhaps a slightly misleading word. In Cynefin terms it is not necessarily something that compels or prevents certain behaviour. That does apply to the Obvious domain, where the constraints are fixed and rigid. The constraints in the Complicated domain govern behaviour, and can be agreed by expert consensus. In the Complex domain the constraints enable action, rather than restricting it or compelling it. They are a starting point rather than an end. In Chaos there are no constraints.

Dave Snowden puts it as follows, differentiating rules and heuristics.

“Rules are governing constraints, they set limits to action, they contain all possible instances of action. In contrast heuristics are enabling constraints, they provide measurable guidance which can adapt to the unknowable unknowns.”

If we can change the constraints then we are moving from one domain to another. The most significant dynamic is the cycle between Complex and Complicated.

Cynefin core dynamic - Complex to ComplicatedCrucially, we must recognise that if we are attempting something new, that involves a significant amount of uncertainty then we start in the Complex domain exploring and discovering more about the problem. Once we have a better understanding and have found constraints that allow us to achieve repeatable outcomes we have moved the problem to the Complicated domain where we can manage it more easily and exploit our new knowledge. If our testing reveals that the constraints are not producing repeatable results then it’s important to get back into the Complex domain and carry out some more probing experiments.

This is not a one off move. We have to keep cycling to ensure the solution remains relevant. The cadence, or natural flow of the cycle will vary depending on the context. Different industries, or sectors, or applications will have different cadences. It could be days, or years, or anything in between. If, or rather when, our constraints fail to produce repeatable results we have to get back into the Complex domain.

This cycle between Complex and Complicated is key for software development in particular. Understanding this dynamic is essential in order to understand how Cynefin might be employed.

Setting up developments

As I said earlier the parts of a software development project that will provide value are where we are doing something new, and that is where the risk also lies. Any significant and worthwhile development project will start in the Complex domain. The initial challenge is to learn enough to move it to Complicated. Dave explained it as follows in a talk at Agile India in 2015.

“As things are Complex we see patterns, patterns emerge. We stabilise the patterns. As we stabilise them we can actually shift them into the Complicated domain. So the basic principle of Complexity-based intervention is you start off with multiple, parallel, safe-to-fail experiments, which is why Scrum is not a true Complexity technique; it does one thing in a linear way. We call (these experiments) a pre-Scrum technique. You do smaller experiments faster in parallel… So you’re moving from the centre of the Complex domain into the boundary, once you’re in the boundary you use Scrum to move it across the boundary.”

Such a safe-to-fail experiment might be an XP pair programming team being assigned to knock up a small, quick prototype.

So the challenge in starting the move from Complex to Complicated is to come up with the ideas for safe-to-fail pre-Scrum experiments that would allow us to use Scrum effectively.

Dave outlined the criteria that suitable experiments should meet. There should be some way of knowing whether the experiment is succeeding and it must be possible to amplify (i.e. reinforce) signs of success. Similarly, there should be some way of knowing whether it is failing and of dampening, or reducing, the damaging impact of a failing experiment. Failure is not bad. In any useful set of safe-to-fail experiments some must fail if we are to learn anything worthwhile The final criterion is that the experiment must be coherent. This idea of coherence requires more attention.

Dave Snowden explains the tests for coherence here. He isn’t entirely clear about how rigid these tests should be. Perhaps it’s more useful to regard them as heuristics than fixed rules, though the first two are of particular importance.

  • A coherent experiment, the ideas and assumptions behind it, should be compatible with natural science. That might seem like a rather banal statement, till you consider all the massive IT developments and change programmes that were launched in blissful ignorance of the fact that science could have predicted inevitable failure.
  • There should be some evidence from elsewhere to support the proposal. Replicating past cases is no guarantee of success, far from it, but it is a valid way to try and learn about the problem.
  • The proposal should fit where we are. It has to be consistent to some degree with what we have been doing. A leap into the unknown attempting something that is utterly unfamiliar is unlikely to gain any traction.
  • Can the proposal pass a series of “ritual dissent challenges? These are a formalised way of identifying flaws and refining possible experiments.
  • Does the experiment reflect an unmet, unarticulated need that has been revealed by sense-making, by attempts to make sense of the problem?

The two latter criteria refer explicitly to Cynefin techniques. The final one, identifying unmet needs, assumes the use of Cognitive Edge’s SenseMaker. Remember Fred Brooks’ blunt statement about requirements? Clients do not know what they want. They cannot articulate their needs if they are asked directly. They cannot envisage what is possible. Dave Snowden takes that point further. If users can articulate their needs than you’re dealing with a commoditized product and the solution is unlikely to have great value. Real values lies in meeting needs that users are unaware of and that they cannot articulate. This has always been so, but in days of yore we could often get away with ignoring that problem. Most applications were in-house developments that either automated back-office functions or were built around business rules and clerical processes that served as an effective proxy for true requirements. The inadequacies of the old structured methods and traditional requirements gathering could be masked.

With the arrival of web development, and then especially with mobile technology this gulf between user needs and the ability of developers to grasp them became a problem that could be ignored only through wilful blindness, admittedly a trait that has never been in short supply in corporate life. The problem has been exacerbated by our historic willingness to confuse rigour with a heavily documented, top-down approach to software development. Sense-making entails capturing large numbers of user reports in order to discern patterns that can be exploited. This appears messy, random and unstructured to anyone immured in traditional ways of development. It might appear to lack rigour, but such an approach is in accord with messy, unpredictable reality. That means it offers a more rigorous and effective way of deriving requirements than we can get by pretending that every development belongs in the Obvious domain. A simple lesson I’ve had to learn and relearn over the years is that rigour and structure are not the same as heavy documentation, prescriptive methods and a linear, top-down approach to problem solving.

This all raises big questions for testers. How do we respond? How do we get involved in testing requirements that have been derived this way and indeed the resulting applications? Any response to those questions should take account of another theme that really struck me from Dave’s day in New York. That was the need for resilience.


The crucial feature of complex adaptive systems is their unpredictability. Applications operating in such a space will inevitably be subject to problems and threats that we would never have predicted. Even where we can confidently predict the type of threat the magnitude will remain uncertain. Failure is inevitable. What matters is how the application responds.

The need for resilience, with its linked themes of tolerance, diversity and redundancy, was a recurring message in Dave’s class. Resilience is not the same as robustness. The example that Dave gave was that a seawall is robust but a salt marsh is resilient. A seawall is a barrier to large waves and storms. It protects the harbour behind, but if it fails it does so catastrophically. A salt marsh protects inland areas by acting as a buffer, absorbing storm waves rather than repelling them. It might deteriorate over time but it won’t fail suddenly and disastrously.

An increasing challenge for testers will be to look for information about how systems fail, and test for resilience rather than robustness. Tolerance for failure becomes more important than a vain attempt to prevent failure. This tolerance often requires greater redundancy. Stripping out redundancy and maximizing the efficiency of systems has a downside, as I’ve discovered in my career. Greater efficiency can make applications brittle and inflexible. When problems hit they hit hard and recovery can be difficult.

it could be worse - not sure how, but it could be

The six years I spent working as an IT auditor had a huge impact on my thinking. I learned that things would go wrong, that systems would fail, and that they’d do so in ways I couldn’t have envisaged. There is nothing like a spell working as an auditor to imbue one with a dark sense of realism about the possibility of perfection, or even adequacy. I ended up like the gloomy old pessimist Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh. When I returned to development work a friend once commented that she could always spot one of my designs. Like Eeyore I couldn’t be certain exactly how things would go wrong, I just knew they would and my experience had taught me where to be wary. I was destined to end up as a tester.

Liz Keogh, in this talk on Safe-to-Fail makes a similar point.

“Testers are really, really good at spotting failure scenarios… they are awesomely imaginative at calamity… Devs are problem solvers. They spot patterns. Testers spot holes in patterns… I have a theory that other people who are in critical positions, like compliance and governance people are also really good at this”.

Testers should have the creativity to imagine how things might go wrong. In a Complex domain, working with applications that have been developed working with Cynefin, this insight and imagination, the ability to spot potential holes, will be extremely valuable. Testers have to seize that opportunity to remain relevant.

There is an upside to redundancy. If there are different ways of achieving the same ends then that diversity will offer more scope for innovation, for users to learn about the application and how it could be adapted and exploited to do more than the developers had imagined. Again, this is an opportunity for testers. Stakeholders need to know about the application and what it can do. Telling them that the application complied with a set of requirements that might have been of dubious relevance and accuracy just doesn’t cut it.


Conclusion is probably the wrong word. Dave Snowden’s class opened my mind to a wide range of new ideas and avenues to explore. This was just the starting point. These two essays can’t go very far in telling you about Cynefin and how it might apply to software testing. All I can realistically do is make people curious to go and learn more for themselves, to explore in more depth. That is what I will be doing, and as a starter I will be in London at the end of June for the London Tester Gathering. I will be at the workshop An Introduction to Complexity and Cynefin for Software Testers” being run by Martin Hynie and Ben Kelly where I hope to discuss Cynefin with fellow testers and explorers.

If you are going to the CAST conference in Nashville in August you will have the chance to hear Dave Snowden giving a keynote speech. He really is worth hearing.

Dave Snowden’s Cynefin masterclass in New York, 2nd May 2017 – part 1

This is part one of a two post series on Cynefin and software testing. I wrote it with the support of the Committee on Standards and Professional Practices of the Association for Software Testing. The posts originally appeared on the AST site.


On May 2nd I attended Dave Snowden’s masterclass in New York, “A leader’s framework for decision making: managing complex projects using Cynefin”, at the Test Leadership Congress. For several years I have been following Dave’s work and I was keen to hear him speak in person. Dave is a gifted communicator, but he moves through his material fast, very fast. In a full day class he threw out a huge range of information, insights and arguments. I was writing frantically throughout, capturing key ideas and phrases I could research in detail later.

It was an extremely valuable day. All of it was relevant to software development, and therefore indirectly to testing. However, it would require a small book to do justice to Dave’s ideas. I will restrict myself to two posts in which I will concentrate on a few key themes that struck me as being particularly important to the testing community.

Our worldview matters

We need to understand how the world works or we will fail to understand the problems we face. We won’t recognise what success might look like, nor will we be able to anticipate unacceptable failure till we are beaten over the head, and we will select the wrong techniques to address ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble - it's what you know for sure that just ain't do

Dave used a slide with this quote from Mark Twain. It’s an important point. Software development and testing has been plagued over the years by unquestioned assumptions and beliefs that we were paid well to take for granted, without asking awkward questions, but which just ain’t so. And they’ve got us into endless trouble.

A persistent damaging feature of software development over the years has been the illusion that is a neater, more orderly process than it really is. We craved certainty, fondly imagining that if we just put a bit more effort and expertise into the upfront analysis and requirements then good, experienced professionals can predictably develop high quality applications. It hardly ever panned out that way, and the cruel twist was that the people who finally managed to crank out something workable picked up the blame for the lack of perfection.

Fred Brooks made the point superbly in his classic paper, “No Silver Bullet”.

“The truth is, the client does not know what he wants. The client usually does not know what questions must be answered, and he has almost never thought of the problem in the detail necessary for specification. … in planning any software-design activity, it is necessary to allow for an extensive iteration between the client and the designer as part of the system definition.

…… it is really impossible for a client, even working with a software engineer, to specify completely, precisely, and correctly the exact requirements of a modern software product before trying some versions of the product.”

So iteration is required, but that doesn’t mean simply taking a linear process and repeating it. Understanding and applying Cynefin does not mean tackling problems in familiar ways but with a new vocabulary. It means thinking about the world in a different way, drawing on lessons from complexity science, cognitive neuroscience and biological anthropology.

Cynefin and ISO 29119

Cynefin is not based on successful individual cases, or on ideology, or on wishful thinking. Methods that are rooted in successful cases are suspect because of the survivorship bias (how many failed projects did the same thing?), and because people do not remember clearly and accurately what they did after the event; they reinterpret their actions dependent on the outcome. Cynefin is rooted in science and the way things are, the way systems behave, and the way that people behave. Developing software is an activity carried out by humans, for humans, mostly in social organisations. If we follow methods that are not rooted in reality, in science and which don’t allow for the way people behave then we will fail.

Dave Snowden often uses the philosophical phrase “a priori”, usually in the sense of saying that something is wrong a priori. A priori knowledge is based on theoretical deduction, or on mathematics, or the logic of the language in which the proposition is stated. We can say that certain things are true or false a priori, without having to refer to experience. Knowledge based on experience is a posteriori.

The distinction is important in the debate over the software testing standard ISO 29119. The ISO standards lobby has not attempted to defend 29119 on either a priori or on a posteriori grounds. The standard has its roots in linear, document driven development methods that were conspicuously unsuccessful. ISO were unable to cite any evidence or experience to justify their approach.

Defenders of the standard, and some neutrals, have argued that critics must examine the detailed content of the standard, which is extremely expensive to purchase, in order to provide meaningful criticism. However, this defence is misconceived because the standard itself is misconceived. The standard’s stated purpose, “is to define an internationally agreed set of standards for software testing that can be used by any organization when performing any form of software testing”. If ISO believes that a linear, prescriptive standard like ISO 29119 will apply to “any form of software testing” we can refer to Cynefin and say that they are wrong; we can say so confidently knowing that our stance is backed by reputable science and theory. ISO is attempting to introduce a practice that might, sometimes at best, be appropriate for the Obvious domain into the Complicated and Complex domains where it is wildly unsuitable and damaging. ISO is wrong a priori.

What is Cynefin?

The Wikipedia article is worth checking out, not least because Dave Snowden keeps an eye on it. This short video presented by Dave is also helpful.

The Cynefin Framework might look like a quadrant, but it isn’t. It is a collection of five domains that are distinct and clearly defined in principle, but which blur into one another in practice.

In addition to the four domains that look like the cells of a quadrant there is a fifth, in the middle, called Disorder, and this one is crucial to an understanding of the framework and its significance.

Cynefin is not a categorisation model, as would be implied if it were a simple matrix. It is not a matter of dropping data into the framework then cracking on with the work. Cynefin is a framework that is designed to help us make sense of what confronts us, to give us a better understanding of our situation and the approaches that we should take.

The first domain is Obvious, in which there are clear and predictable causes and effects. The second is Complicated, which also has definite causes and effects, but where the connections are not so obvious; expert knowledge and judgement is required.

The third is Complex, where there is no clear cause and effect. We might be able to discern it with hindsight, but that knowledge doesn’t allow us to predict what will happen next; the system adapts continually. Dave Snowden and Mary Boone used a key phrase in their Harvard Business Review article about Cynefin.

”Hindsight does not lead to foresight because the external conditions and systems constantly change.”

The fourth domain is Chaotic. Here, urgent action rather than reflective analysis, is required. The participants must act, sense feedback and respond. Complex situations might be suited to safe probing, which can teach us more about the problem, but such probing is a luxury in the Chaotic domain.

The appropriate responses in all four of these domains are different. In Obvious, the categories are clearly defined, one simply chooses the right one, and that provides the right route to follow. Best practices are appropriate here.

In the Complicated domain there is no single, right category to choose. There could be several valid options, but an expert can select a good route. There are various good practices, but the idea of a single best practice is misconceived.

In the Complex domain it is essential to probe the problem and learn by trial and error. The practices we might follow will emerge from that learning. In Chaos as I mentioned, we simply have to start with action, firefighting to stop the situation getting worse. It is helpful to remember that, instead of the everyday definition, chaos in Cynefin terms refer to the concept in physics. Here chaos refers to a system that it is so dynamic that minor variations in initial conditions lead to outcomes so dramatically divergent that the system is unpredictable. In some circumstances it makes sense to make a deliberate and temporary move into Chaos to learn new practice. That would require removing constraints and the connections that impose some sort of order.

The fifth domain is that of Disorder, in the middle of the diagram. This is the default position in a sense. It’s where we find ourselves when we don’t know which domain we should really be in. It’s therefore the normal starting point. The great danger is that we don’t choose the appropriate domain, but simply opt for the one that fits our instincts or our training, or that is aligned with the organisation’s traditions and culture, regardless of the reality.

The only stable domains are Obvious, Complicated and Complex. Chaotic and Disorder are transitional. You don’t (can’t) stay there. Chaotic is transitional because constraints will kick in very quickly, almost as a reflex. Disorder is transitional because you are actually in one of the other domains, but you just don’t know it.

The different domains have blurred edges. In any context there might be elements that fit into different domains if they are looked at independently. That isn’t a flaw with Cynefin. It merely reflects reality. As I said, Cynefin is not a neat categorisation model. It is intended to help us make sense of what we face. If reality is messy and blurred then there’s no point trying to force it into a straitjacket.

Many projects will have elements that are Obvious, that deal with a problem that is well understood, that we have dealt with before and whose solution is familiar and predictable. However, these are not the parts of a project that should shape the approach we take. The parts where the potential value, and the risk, lie are where we are dealing with something we have not done before. Liz Keogh has given many talks and written some very good blogs and articles about applying Cynefin to software development. Check out her work. This video is a good starter.

The boundaries between the domains are therefore fuzzy, but there is one boundary that is fundamentally different from the others; the border between Obvious and Chaotic. This is not really a boundary at all. It is more of a cliff. If you move from Obvious to Chaotic you don’t glide smoothly into a subtly changing landscape. You fall off the cliff.

Within the Obvious domain the area approaching the cliff is the complacent zone. Here, we think we are working in a neat, ordered environment and “we believe our own myths” as Snowden puts it in the video above. The reality is quite different and we are caught totally unaware when we hit a crisis and plunge off the cliff into chaos.

That was a quick skim through Cynefin. However, you shouldn’t think of it as being a static framework. If you are going to apply it usefully you have to understand the dynamics of the framework, and I will return to that in part two.